Sunday, November 17, 2013

Talking with Nick Jenkinson

Ron Gill, Nick Jenkinson & Collin Urquhrt at Extreme Benchrest
Collin is an engineer for Air Arms

At the Extreme Benchrest match in Arizona this November, I talked about our respective airgun clubs with Nick Jenkinson, three times World Field Target Champion. Nick is the president of his local field target club in Devon, England. Nick said that he is often asked by prospective shooters, “What kind of air rifle should I buy to be a top shooter"? He went on to explain that they needed to shoot any good rifle for a year or two, “to get the experience to become a top shooter.”

You can buy your way to the top, but the cost is pellets and practice, not gear.


Nick Jenkinson still paying his dues in a life time sport


  1. Nice job on the blog. It is kind of dark, but that fits your public side doesn't it?

  2. Thank you for your comment. Tastefully understated is the way I see it. No gaudy showboating here. However I,ll try making the photos larger.

